Household Hacker Search Results

How To: Clean your game disc, DVD or CD with household items

In this instructional video, the young host demonstrates an excellent method for cleaning your DVD's, CD's, and Game discs using simple, easily found items that you always have laying around your house. The toothpaste he uses acts as a super mild abrasive (almost exactly the same that is used in professional kits, except they don't get the benefit of a minty fresh smell) that removes minute dirt and debris that gets stuck on the disc. When cleaning your discs, be sure to rub the toothpaste in...

How To: Clean your scratched CDs with toothpaste and water

This video is presented by A K Dlnny. The video starts with common location in any household. A K shows a CD which is fairly scratched. Most of us have scratched CDs with us and he teaches us a very simple way of cleaning these CDs. As first step A K takes good portion of common toothpaste on surface of CD and spreads it all over with rubbing it with circular movement of his finger. Once the entire surface is covered then he allows the CD to dry for five minutes. In next step he washes of the...

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