Many friends in my life like watching DVD films. They not only watch the films, but also love the music of the films. However, our iPod and iPhone cannot support DVD formats, so it’s not convenient to watch or listen to. In order to resolve this annoying problem, I have collected dozens of good applications for converting DVD to audio, so that we can transfer DVD audio to iPod and iPhone, and we can enjoy DVD songs or audio of DVD films anywhere anytime.
The Sony Dash is a hot tablet, and like most tablets it can be used for all sorts of awesome purposes that full-sized computers are not suited for. Alarm clocks, for instance. This video will teach you how to set music and video to your alarm clock on the Sony Dash.
If you already have a stereo or receiver and want to increase your sound by buying stereo speakers, picking the right ones can be confusing. This video offers tips for choosing what sort of stereo speakers are right for the room, sound system, and purpose you need them for.
In this video from Creative Tips, you will get expert advice on how to set up a basic stereo system in your home. Nathan will walk you through all the steps and make sure that music and movies flow through your home in perfect pitch.
There will never be as many ways to quiet the vuvuzela sounds that buzz out of your TV constantly while you watch this World Cup as there are people bothered by the noise, but there are still quite a few. This video will show you how to use a hardware equalizer to cut out certain frequency ranges, largely muting the sound of the reviled horns. If you have a hardware EQ or are willing to buy one just for this, try it!
In this instructional video, the young host demonstrates an excellent method for cleaning your DVD's, CD's, and Game discs using simple, easily found items that you always have laying around your house. The toothpaste he uses acts as a super mild abrasive (almost exactly the same that is used in professional kits, except they don't get the benefit of a minty fresh smell) that removes minute dirt and debris that gets stuck on the disc. When cleaning your discs, be sure to rub the toothpaste in a...
Those discs you thought were done for because of scratches and years of use now have a second chance at working and all you need to do so is get some things together from around the house. You'll need toothpaste most importantly, some tissues, water and the actual CD you want to try and fix. Apply the toothpaste on the side of the disc which is to be read and the spread it around using your hands. Once its applied over the whole disc, use water to wash it all off. Then use the tissues to wipe...
This video shows you how to clean a compact disk using peroxide and toothpaste as the cleaning agents.First of all, put the disk in a mixture of water and a bit of peroxide and let it stay there for about 5 minutes. Then, you must take out the disk and apply a thin layer of toothpaste on the whole disk's surface. Let it sit like that for another 3-5 minutes. After that, clean the disk with water. Use it only when it is dry. If this method does not work, then you should either take the disk to a...
This video is presented by A K Dlnny. The video starts with common location in any household. A K shows a CD which is fairly scratched. Most of us have scratched CDs with us and he teaches us a very simple way of cleaning these CDs. As first step A K takes good portion of common toothpaste on surface of CD and spreads it all over with rubbing it with circular movement of his finger. Once the entire surface is covered then he allows the CD to dry for five minutes. In next step he washes of the...
This video answers the question "does cleaning your CDs or DVDs with a banana work?". First, take a freshly cut piece of banana and rub it in circles on the disk gently. Rub it well for about two minutes. Then, take the peel and rub the inside of the banana peel in circles on the disk for about three minutes. The peel apparently provides some wax for the cleaning process of the disk. Next, take a cotton cloth and wipe it around the disk for as long as it takes to clean up the banana from the...
This video shows you how to clean a CD or DVD easily.First of all, you need toothpaste. Apply a thin layer of paste to the whole surface of the disk and spread it evenly. Let it dry for about 5 minutes. After the 5 minutes have past, clean the whole disk at a sink, and make sure you get all the paste off. Wipe off the disk with a towel, but be careful not to make any scratches while doing so. You could try wiping from the middle of the disk to the exterior. The disk must be dry before using it...
This great video series from the experts at RTTI shows you how to make a custom subwoofer box for your car. They do a great job of teaching you how to measure, cut, and finish so your car is bumping.
Entertain your friends by turning your traditional personal headphones into a mini loud speaker with just an old mint tin and a playing card. This might not be the most advanced or prettiest way of listening to music but sure is a fun way to kill some time.
Do you have an old collection of vinyl records but can't keep them in good condition? First, take an empty syringe and fill it with clean water. Add the water from the syringe as the record plays. The water will spread throughout the record and increase the sound quality. The stylus also has to be properly cleaned. This will help you clean your old and dusty records, as well as help with recording music on your CDs.
In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to solder speaker lead wires. Soldering is a process in which two or more metal items are joined together by melting and flowing a filler metal into the joint. Viewers are shown how to solder speaker lead wires to the terminals. This video also shows how to solder two wires together and how to solder a wire to a slip on terminal. This video will benefit those viewers who want to learn how to solder and be able to repair other electronic devices.
This video shows a method of cleaning LP records using steam. He uses a Perfection steamer and a record cleaning machine with vacuums, along with a set of brushes, Disc Doctor cleaner, and laboratory grade water. He uses distilled water in the steamer. He turns the turntable on, applies the cleaner, spreads it with a brush, and applies the steam while the record turns. After the steaming is done, he continues rubbing it with the brush, and turns on a vacuum. Next he runs the steamer of the...
Dave Andrews gives a simple overview of how to take a cassette tape and convert it to a CD using Audacity. First you will need a cassette tape player, like a boom box, with a microphone jack. Then you'll want to download the free program called Audacity. To begin recording music from the cassette tape simply press the record button on the audacity application while you press the play button on the boom box. You'll want to make sure the audio cable is connected from the boom box to the PC....
This video shows how to clean old records using Titebond II wood glue. He has the record turning slowly on the turntable, and while it's turning, slowly squeezes a line of glue around and around onto the surface of the record, starting from the middle. He explains that it takes between four and twelve hours for the glue to dry completely. After the glue is applied to the entire record, he takes an old credit card and spreads the glue evenly onto the record, all the way out to the edge. When...
Cassettes take up quite a bit of space, and can sometimes start showing wear, which can affect the sound. This video shows you how to take this information from your cassettes, and move them on to a CD. Detailed instructions, and photos in this video, will have you transferring analog information into a digital format within just minutes. This allows you to be able to use the audio recording on your computer, as well as being able to listen to it in a regular CD player.
Shatter glass with your mind!… Um, no… with speakers! This little video shows you how to shatter wine glasses with your own speakers. Yep, those normal, everyday home speakers that you have can break a wine glass just like a jackhammer.
Systm is the Do It Yourself show designed for the common geek who wants to quickly and easily learn how to dive into the latest and hottest tech projects. We will help you avoid pitfalls and get your project up and running fast. Search Systm on WonderHowTo for more DIY episodes from this Revision3 show.
Systm is the Do It Yourself show designed for the common geek who wants to quickly and easily learn how to dive into the latest and hottest tech projects. We will help you avoid pitfalls and get your project up and running fast. Search Systm on WonderHowTo for more DIY episodes from this Revision3 show.
From the people who brought you the Dummies instructional book series, brings you the same non-intimidating guides in video form. This is Consumer Electronics for Dummies. Just watch this video tutorial to learn how to position home theater surround-sound speakers, For Dummies.
From the people who brought you the Dummies instructional book series, brings you the same non-intimidating guides in video form. This is Consumer Electronics for Dummies. Just watch this video tutorial to learn how to connect an HDTV to your sound system or home theater, For Dummies.
Luckily, a Mythbox won't get you into nearly as much trouble as Pandora's Box if opened and used. That's because Mythbox is an open source software that allows you to run Myth TV, which is a free way to turn your TV into a PC. You get a much larger interface as well as cool options like a video recorder and network streaming.
Looking to get the best multichannel audio out of your home theater? It turns out that distance isn't nearly as critical as the angle at which they point toward the listener!Dolby was generous enough to share some more tips for maxing out the performance of your multichannel audio system... watch this instructional video to find out what they are, along with what the extra speakers do in a 7.1 system... and a nifty way to use houseplants to soup up your surround sound system!
Learn to make your own super effective bass traps and acoustic panels with materials from your local hardware store, just by watching this home audio video tutorial.
This tutorial video will teach you to make your very own wall harp. The techno-gurus of tech makeover show My Home 2.0 made this digital wall harp using a MidiTron and infrared sensors that track your hand movements. To see complete instructions, more great DIY projects, and their latest state-of-the-art home makeovers,
It sucks when you're having people over and your speaker breaks. Fear not, this tutorial video will show you how to make your very own speaker at home from moderately simple materials.
When CD and DVD players stop working, it's usually because of the drawer not opening and/or shutting. For this CD player, the problem turned out to be a broken belt between the motor and the wheel that has the gear that opens the drawer. Look at these two video tutorials to see how easy it can be to fix, by replacing one belt with a rubber band.
This is a quirky little how to video that teaches you how to repair and replace that worn out speaker surround you wanted to toss out or just bought at a garage sale for $1. Get to that yard sale and repair those old worn out speakers and make them worth thousands again!
Tim Carter, of Ask the Builder, demonstrates easy installation of high quality, in-wall stereo speakers for your house, that way you're home stereo is sounding better than ever.